情人節快樂--Valentine's Day


5.7 / 125,639人    125分鐘

導演: 蓋瑞馬歇爾
編劇: 凱瑟琳傅格特
演員: 泰勒洛特 布萊德利庫柏 艾希頓庫奇 安海瑟薇 潔西卡貝兒


2010-05-09 22:58:13

Does that day belong to you


First of all , the songs in this movie are great. That's why i'm attracted to this movie at first.

Romantic love story isn't exatly my thing, but, if a movie make you laugh, make you cry and teach you something which you can totally forget after watching, there's no reason why you shouldn't like it.

If a girl you proposed to doesn't want to marry you.....
If a man you love is married..............
If your wife told you she cheated on you once before.....
If you don't have someone to spend vatlentine's day with......
If your girl friend has a speical part time job................
If young lovers aren't ready for sex..............
If a little boy like his teacher.................
If you have a gay lover.............
If you ever in love..............................................................................
