隔離島--Shutter Island


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導演: 馬丁史柯西斯
編劇: Laeta Kalogridis 丹尼斯勒翰
演員: 李奧納多狄卡皮歐 馬克魯法洛 班金斯利 艾蜜莉莫蒂兒


2010-05-22 22:43:42


片中多次提到:Lobotomy 前腦葉白質切除術,這個手術就是把人的大腦用於性格的部份廢除(前腦管的是性格),我覺得就是做了手術之後和植物人沒什麼區別,不過這手術我看Wiki上說此手術已經廢除了,似乎藥物就可以做到手術的療效了。
很關鍵的2句: "die as a good man":被lobotomize,而活著像植物人一樣,亦或者是"live as a monster":未被lobotomize,而活著像個精神病人,本片並未點名Teddy的結局是如何(小說中Teddy被lobotomize了),還有個事實就是Teddy殺了他老婆,而他所面對的是接受還是不接受,接受就是"live as a monster",反之則是"die as a good man",希望能用我淺薄的文字來表達出原文的意圖

In the 2010 馬丁 Scorsese psychological mystery-thriller film Shutter Island based on the novel of the same name set in the 1950s when lobotomy was considered an appropriate procedure by many in the psychiatric community, the main character, found to be criminally insane, is given the choice of facing up to the reality that he murdered his wife or be lobotomized. In the novel, it is clear he receives a lobotomy involuntarily after relapsing into insanity whereas the movie is ambiguous as to whether he faked his relapse in order to "die as a good man" by being lobotomized rather than "live as a monster" without the treatment. Dr. 詹姆士 Gilligan, a past director of Massachusetts' prison mental hospital and serving as a technical advisor stated:
「 We worked together to make sure the story reflected a true war that was going on in the mid-20th century within the psychiatric community: a war between those clinicians who wanted to treat these patients with new forms of psychotherapy, education and medicine, and those who regarded the violent mentally ill as incurable and advocated controlling their behavior by inflicting irreversible brain damage, including indiscriminate use of shock treatment and crude forms of brain surgery, such as lobotomies.

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