

7 / 95,930人    97分鐘

導演: 葛雷喬丹
編劇: 彼得伍瓦德
演員: 山繆傑克森 凱莉安摩絲 麥可辛 史帝夫魯特 布蘭登羅斯

Free mind

2010-06-01 22:11:12

The way of thinking

If this is the truth, what will the USA government do. All the people have relation with Younger will be killed, and kick out of US. May be the man will never told where the bomb is all the US citizen will fucked up. However, the main thing they want to show us is how US is free, and how the rights in US. Most of time that is way of the so called Amercian way of thinking. Truth usually opposite it. So, let go back is China will do more better than that, all the people can not ever imagine that.