情人節快樂--Valentine's Day


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導演: 蓋瑞馬歇爾
編劇: 凱瑟琳傅格特
演員: 泰勒洛特 布萊德利庫柏 艾希頓庫奇 安海瑟薇 潔西卡貝兒


2010-06-07 06:34:01

Those Valentine’s Day Taught Me

1 To love a person is to accept him or her as a whole. 「You gotta love everything about them, not just the good things but the bad things too. The things that you find lovable and the things you don't find lovable.」

2 Lie can be created by love, vice not versa; love built on imagination will never last.

3Marriage, as fancy or exciting ceremony, fades in the end,but as commitment is eternal.

4 Stable friendship can surpass false relationship because it requires more care and responsibility.

5 Unless at the critical moment, you never know whether the one before you is Mr. or Ms. Right.

6 Love is not for the lover's exclusive use, but for people who love and care for each other.

7 A mother’s love is natural, unconditional and selfless.

8 Truth is ugly. But if you never know, you never grow.

9 A failure may be a beginning of another journey.

10 Puppy love is caused by curiosity or adoration, but it is pure.

11 Face your own heart; listen to your soul even if the world tells you not to.
12 People can despise special lovers, but never stop them. There is no right or wrong love, only true or false. True love shall prevail. (Screw those homophobias.)

13 Everyone deserves a Valentine.