冷山--Cold Mountain

冷山/ 乱世情天 / 冷峰 / 寒山

7.2 / 157,610人    154分鐘

導演: 安東尼明格拉
編劇: 查理弗雷澤
演員: 裘德洛 妮可基嫚 芮妮齊薇格 唐納蘇德蘭


2010-06-08 07:56:31

stuck in it~~

What we have lost will not returned to us
the land will not heal
too much blood
the heart will not heal
all we can do is to make peace with the past
and try to learn from it

There are days now when I manage not to think of you
when the needs of the farm call with more urgency than my heart
the time of the year there's so much life everywhere
I find you in all of it
as if you are still walking home to me