男人百分百--What Women Want


6.4 / 222,198人    127分鐘

導演: 萳西梅爾
編劇: Josh Goldsmith Cathy Yuspa
演員: 梅爾吉勃遜 海倫杭特 瑪莉莎湯美 亞倫艾達


2010-06-08 09:35:08


    影片的名字,我已忘記。在豆瓣翻天覆地找了一遍歐美英電影,未果。之後用「有關廣告策劃的電影」在百度收到了《what women want》。歷時四小時。可見網路的力量還是強大的。
    而我如此瘋狂搜索此電影,僅為這個有關跑步的場景。生日臨近,預購ipod&nike or adidas shoes送給自己,這樣,在某個清晨或傍晚,隔離城市的嘈雜,自我的行走,走出孤寂(遠離還是進入)。

you don't stand in front of a mirror before a run...
and wonder what the road will think of your outfit.
you don't have to listen to its jokes and pretend they are funny.
it would not be easier to run when you dressed sexier.
the road doesn't notice if you are not wearing lipstick.
it does not care how old you are
you do not fell uncomfortable because you make more money than the road.
and you can call on the road whenever you feel like it.
whether it's been a day or even a couple of hours since your last date.
the only thing the road cares about is that you pay a visit once in a while.
Nike, no games, just sports.

未完,待續......   舉報