搶救雷恩大兵--Saving Private Ryan


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導演: 史蒂芬史匹柏
編劇: Robert Rodat
演員: 湯姆漢克斯 湯姆賽斯摩 艾德華伯恩斯 巴瑞派柏


2010-06-09 03:15:06

考試寫的 不過是自己寫的

Where there is an end, there is a start

Even I saw the Band of Brothers ,I was shocked by this extraordinary movie deeply.

Saving private Ryan, 1988, by 史蒂夫n Spielberg.

There is no sense of telling how great the movie is, especially the first 25 mins taken place on the Omaha Beach. Even it was defeated by the Shakespeare In Love on the Academy Awards ,all people have considered it as the best war film without a doubt.

The movie combined the big scene like the fight on Omaha Beach and the details like the trembling hand of captain Miller together perfectly. At first I could not understand how can 1 values 8,like the complaints of Reiben, 」You want to explain the math of this to me? I mean, where's the sense in risking the lives of the eight of us to save one guy?」But at last, I got it. That the saving mission is not saving the one’s life but the hope, the victory and the humanity. Like the captain said, our object is to win the war.In fact, it means they fought for love. Is not it love? Even lifes ended, love started with lifes.

Caparzo, never can he post the letter to his father by himself, but he saved a girl or even a family, that’s the end and start.

傑克森, my favorite role in the movie, when the psalm came out from his mouth, an enemy will down. That’s the end and start.

Ryan, the goal,When they found him they thought it was over, mission was completed .But another mission started. That’s the end and start.

Captain Miller, the man also have fear, relatives, overlied there weakly but still shot at the tank firmly even it didn』t make any sense. When all of us audience lost hope and disappointed the bomber appeared and bombed the tank, which made the most beautiful flame I have ever seen.That’s the end and start.

At the end of the movie ,captain Miller told Ryan that he earned it.Then captain went away.That’s a end and start, either.

The sound of bomb,bombers and the tanks became the show of hope.

That’s what I learned from this movie,where there is an end, there is a start.Thank Saving private Ryan,thank 史蒂夫n Spielberg.

At last,I』d like to share my favorite lines of this movie,

be not thou far from me,O Lord

all my strength, haste thee to help me

O my God, I trust in thee

let me not be ashamed

let not my enemies triumph over me

blessed be the Lord, my strength

which teaches my hands to war, my fingers to fight

my goodness and my fortress

my high tower and my deliverer

my shield and he in whom I trust .