

7.4 / 194,655人    120分鐘

導演: 伊恩蘇佛利
編劇: Gene Brewer 查爾斯李維特
演員: 凱文史貝西 傑夫布里吉 瑪麗瑪寇梅可 阿爾法伍達德


2010-06-09 05:36:25

just some feelings

  Poundering all the possibilities, I can not exactly decide whether in the end Prot went back to K-PAX or not.I guess every one has defferent thoughts about it~
  If you see the glass half full then perhaps Prot did go to a better place and along with him Bess.
  I would like that too.
  Yet somewhere deep inside me, a feeling tells me this is a far more tragic story~ Prot IS Robert and is forever trapped inside that memory, all joys lost, all hopes gone~
  My only comfort may be that all the other patients never doubted Prot for who he was, and believed he went back to K-PAX, but i don't think it much of a remedy.
  Sorry for being so cynical. Life is hard~ But please believe me when I say I wish Prot is back in his own world~ I wish K-PAX do exist~ I wish I have a bit more faith~ I wish i can tell other people things do get better~ I do~ I really do~ but still, in the pit of my stomach I know... the final truth will fail us all......   舉報