暗戰-談判專家--Running Out of Time


7.3 / 5,885人    93分鐘

導演: 杜琪峰
編劇: 游乃海
演員: 劉德華 劉青雲 蒙嘉慧 許紹雄 李子雄


2010-06-09 08:56:30

Am zin

     In my opinion, Am zin undoubtedly is Andy's turning point in his acting career. At the first time, I was amazingly impressed by this one,in which various elements counld be found.You can see this one as a romance movie,action movie,tragedy,comedy. While in the end, Am zin unexpectedly stream the peace and wistfulness into heart.

     In a manner of speaking, Am zin is the best movie ever made by Du either. Throughtout the whole movie, with the fabulous music, the tempo is well controlled by the director. In 90s of last century, the hong-kong movie culminated in Amzin, then has kept going downhill for many years. That's also the reason that as I watch Andy's recent flims, I have no astonishment but disappointment.   舉報