2010-06-14 08:23:42
......you could not find peace by avoiding life......i have stayed a life for you and now you have to let me go. 太多時候我們忍受,我們做我們認為對方會快樂的事,我們內心壓抑不快樂,我們把這樣的行為堂而皇之的叫做「愛」。
...what does regret mean when there is no choice? it's what you can bear. i chose life. 家庭家人永遠重要,可它們替代不了自我。沒有自我的生活,不可能真正的快樂,也不可能讓我們愛的人快樂。
......to look life in the face. always, to look life in the face, and to know it for what it is. and last, to know it, to love it for what it is. and then, to put it away. 活著,不是為了彼此。活著,不是為了彼此。
從Prada開始喜歡Meryl Streep - she is different.