名媛教育--An Education


7.2 / 138,731人    100分鐘

導演: 瓏雪兒菲格
編劇: 尼克宏比
演員: 凱莉墨里根 艾爾菲摩里納 彼得賽斯嘉 多明尼克庫柏 羅莎蒙派克


2010-06-23 20:32:52

On Education

Seriously, what's the point of education?

Jenny is struggling on her Latin, and Helen said, you know what, for the next 50 years, no body speaks Latin, even Latins themselves! And you might turn to a spotty and sturdy college girl!

Jenny asked his father what if she didn't go to college and got married. Her father said it depended on who she married to.

When Jenny faced two options, one is hard and boring study, the other is listening to concerts, appreciate great arts, watching wonderful movies, and eating find food in great restaurant, with a charming and mature man, of course.

Jenny chose the latter, and paid for that when the vein was unfolded.

Life is never one direction, love sometimes does not count at all. When you are seduced by, whatever, can you hold on you belief? Or, do you have a belief?

The real meaning of education, I guess, is give you something to hold on when you feel like you are falling down...