遇見好男孩--Latter Days


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導演: 西傑考克
編劇: 西傑考克
演員: 史提夫山佛斯 威士雷姆西 羅布卡強森 賈桂琳貝茜 喬瑟夫高登李維


2010-07-10 15:00:01




chris原本就是los angeles成千上萬的美麗男人中的一個。窮酸的工作,但是身材滿分相貌滿分,膚淺,以性為愛,成日亂交,可以和陌生人做愛但是睡在一起卻成為了「過於親密」的一件事。對於他,一個演員的八卦大於任何信仰,性只不過是你我之間的小小樂趣,不需要證明或象徵任何的什麼。



Christian: God, I hate the snow.
Aaron: What are you doing here?
Christian: I came after you. How could you leave without saying anything?
Aaron: It's not my choice. I'm being sent home in shame. And I'm probably gonna be excommunicated.
Christian: For just a kiss? Don't get me wrong, it was a nice kiss but come on. We didn't even get to use our tongues.
Aaron: You wouldn't understand.
Christian: I'm sorry, I'm not... I'm not very good at this. See, I've never made a fool out of myself in front of anyone before. But I've never felt this way before about anyone in my entire life.
Aaron: What for me, some guy you can't have. And then next week you're gonna be on to your next conquest?
Christian: But what if you're not? Huh? What if everything in my entire pathetic life, which I happen to love, has led to this point right now? What if, what if you're the blinding light in the middle of the road that, that strikes me like the guy in, in...
Aaron: The Bible?
Christian: Yeah, him.
Aaron: Paul?
Christian: Yeah. And what if everything's changed like that? And lions lay down with lambs and colors mix with whites. What if you're the one that I've been waiting for my whole life and I let you go?
Aaron: You have no idea what I'd be giving up.
Christian: Dammit! What is wrong with you? You want revelations engraved in gold and angels trumpeting down from heaven. What if this is it instead? Me telling you I love you. Right here - in the snow. I think that's pretty miraculous. But if you don't, I... I'll... I'll go. You can pretend that this was just some coincidence. You can pretend that there wasn't some reason that we met, and that you're sorry I ever walked in your life.
[Christian walks to the door, but it won't open]
Christian: God, I hate the snow!
[Aaron grabs him and gives him a passionate kiss]


這是一部很真實的電影。在如今的la,尤其是west hollywood這樣的地區,10個男人裡7個gay2個bi,1個直男也肯定和男人有過一腿。世界各地的gay蜂擁來到這裡,因為他們認為自己可以被包容,可以像「正常人」一樣生存在這裡。初衷是好的,但多少年後的現在,這裡成為了世界上最大的同志妓院。有多少人真正有過一段真實,超越肌膚深入內臟骨髓的感情? 他們認為這不重要了。你可以在這裡任何一家咖啡館,餐廳,便利店看到可以登上details封面的美男子,你只要相貌對得起大眾,天天在健身房待上幾個小時,你就可以和他們上床。你不需要考慮什麼relationship,什麼情情愛愛。你只要在上床前稱讚對方,下床後留下個號碼就夠了。這麼的簡單,這是一個公式。


寫下這些之前的幾個月, 我已經經歷過了這樣的一段關係,今天之前,我還在質疑自己的選擇。 我可以輕易地把自己套進那個公式,刪除我ipod里現有的後搖滾與jazz而放入madonna,lady gaga,把每晚閱讀的時間花在健身房。 但是今天,這一刻,這樣的一部電影警醒我,我要堅持自己的選擇,而有一天,老天啊,我希望有這樣的一天我也可以有他們一樣的美好結局。
