整蠱專家--Tricky Brains


7 / 2,751人    110分鐘

導演: 王晶
編劇: 王晶
演員: 周星馳 劉德華 吳孟達 關之琳 邱淑貞


2010-07-14 12:28:26


Sometimes the people wondering why these such excellent films cannot release on abroad, sometimes the people doubting why the films producted on early era are much better than nowadays', the answer isnot figured out. So we still while watching some old films but classical while thinking about the questions like above that never solved.

The film is producted by WANG Jing, his film could represent a time of HONG KONG Film very well. But the western people dont know about him and his films. In fact, eastern people dont like his films also at a large extent. His films all have the same feature, unreasonable funny. The films are quite like far away people's normal life, nothing in there but fun. The audience could enjoy the story and they know the story isnot real but they just want to watch the fake story for getting some fun.

The great actors and actresses perform well too. The link between ZHOU and LIU, also the feeling between LIU and GUAN both give the strong advantages to this film.

Do you want to know what is the classical? That is.   舉報