2010-07-17 06:28:57
Quote from IMDB, 需翻牆......
User Rating:5.9/10 9,972 votes
1. I must be the only one who didn't understand this part, since nobody else has posted about it, but I don't understand what Dre did that "dishonored" the girl's family. Was it because he was late, or because he clapped, or because he kept her from practicing....??
另:這個帖子發生了屠樓的慘劇,下面人問LZ為毛屠樓,樓主說你們語法有錯誤。。。。。。下面人就說LZ你搞毛啊。。。你真是sad life。。。還有人罵LZ Grammar Nazi......哈哈
2.The one thing I noticed the most about this film was the amount of families that attended it. I think it is the first film of the year where adults and kids can go and enjoy a film together and both come out with the same emotions and lessons learned. That would be a reflection of the film itself as it shows Mr Han learning from his student, something that gives the film a welcome twist when compared to the original.
3.Jaden 史密斯 proves that he may be a force in the business for a long time....................Jackie Chan is really quite good here, shedding the recent tongue-in-cheek comedy roles. This part fits him perfectly and Morita would have been proud had he lived to see it................咋說內,成家班武戲還是看的舒服,但是想到成龍老師作為有司的人,作為霸王洗髮水......車裡掉眼淚那段我果斷快進了!
4.This is one of the best films so far of 2010, and should not be missed by anybody. .......我懷疑這是五毛!!!高級五毛!!!