

6.5 / 137,168人    108分鐘

導演: 拉斯馮提爾
編劇: 拉斯馮提爾
演員: 威廉達佛 夏綠蒂甘絲柏格


2010-07-17 09:57:02

an entertaining horror film

In order to understand the film as a masterpiece with deep insight into the abyss of humanity (or more exactly speaking, feminity), one has to at least have some knowledge about the following:

- the adversary figure of Christ derived from New Testament
- Misogyny and the history about witches-burning in the Middle Ages
- Schopenhauer's Essay 'Of Women' and his assertion 'woman is by nature meant to obey'
- Nietzsche's polemic critics on Christianity
- post-modern performing arts
- the new tendency of feminist movement
- the regligious poet by 威廉 Butler Yeats 'the three beggars'
etc. etc. etc.

I'm a lazy person so I've decided to categorize the film just as an 'entertaining horror film' for me:-)