神鬼玩家--The Aviator


7.5 / 387,777人    170分鐘

導演: 馬丁史柯西斯
編劇: 約翰洛根
演員: 李奧納多狄卡皮歐 凱特布蘭琪 凱特貝琴薩 亞當史考特


2010-07-25 01:18:44



Who could imagine a huge airplane flying over 5000kilometers high could containing an army of military? And who could imagine a movie could produce a lively literation of a flight war from the tiny sodier to fighting aircrafts!?And that's the year 1940s! And it is Howard who dreamed about, not only dream, but he make that vision come true in front of the whole world!

When journalist asking him in the red carpet, ' who paid the bill', Howard simply said' it's out of my own pocket!' And in the court, he said' it's just my interest that i want to pursuit that I put my own money into it, i dun care you insult me or bring me to court, but the flight is the one I care and only care about!'

it just reminds as one singing in the beginning of the movie, one male singer was singing on the stage in a Hollywood party gathering, about dream. ' I will the bridge to the paradise, and make a new step everyday, i'm gonna get it out of every price, get off the side, i'm on my way, i got the blue with cloudless sky, shoe that gonna carry me there, i'll build the staircase to the paradise with a new step everyday!' It just the vivid analogy of Howard's flight dream to reach out to the sky!

How could he made it! a dream was not enough. Of course his financial situation could afford him somehow. But his persistence, passion, integrity, breaking boundaries, adaption to new situations, eager to innovate leaded him towards the action! Also his perfectionist, attention to detail traits made him outstanding to build the airplane which need detail engenering, archetechtual work. And that was the way helped him a lot!

But on the other hand, his attention to detail, or the addiction to detail caused himself with those psychlogical disorder. Especially his childhood memory about his mother told him the insafty of disease outside and the word ' QUARTINE'. That memory gave him a taste of fear of unclean, dangerous world outside, which made him trying to protect every intimacy relationship and even himself out of the danger.

In this way, sometimes hurts and pains in our childhood could in some way block and shot us down in dark portion of our life when we are walking the 'death valley', but the experience of them on the other hand grow us with the kind of 'outstand' straits by the right use of them could drive us!

Howard, though fighted down sometimes during his life about the psychological disorder and fear of danger, but he most of the time use the trait well together with the dream, the passion, the integrity to acturize the great airplane and movie out of nutshell!

it's all about what we choose. by submitting to it, the fear drawn us, but allow the power of fear transforms, it drive us to the forming of outstanding traits to actuarize marvelous work which bless all around! Howard, chose the later, what's your choice? and what's mine?
