愛情,不用尋找--Broken Flowers


7.1 / 107,093人    106分鐘

導演: 吉姆賈木許
編劇: 吉姆賈木許
演員: 比爾墨瑞 茱莉蝶兒


2010-08-05 22:05:34

words disappear words once so clear only echoes

words disappear
words once so clear
only echoes
passing through the night
the lines on my face
the fingers once traced
fades in the reflection
of what was
thoughts rearrange
familiar, now strange
all my schemes
drifting on the wind
spring brings the rain
with winter comes pain
every season has an end
i'll try
to see through your disguise
for the clouds were there
blocking out the sun
thoughts rearrange
familiar, now strange
all my schemes
drifting on the wind
spring brings the rain
with winter comes pain
every season has an end
theres an end
- you have any, like philosophical tips or anything,,, for a guy on a kind of roada trip?
- the past is gone, i know that, the future, isn't here yet, whatever its going to be, so all that is is this, the present. that's it.
- what is it you wanted? --Penny
- the wheel of fortune turns, round and round, it goes, where it stops, no one knows.
the whole thing is a farce, a fiasco.