獵殺幽靈寫手--The Ghost Writer


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導演: 羅曼波蘭斯基
編劇: Robert Harris (Ⅱ)
演員: 伊旺麥奎格 強柏恩瑟 金凱特羅 皮爾斯布洛斯南 Tim Preece


2010-08-16 22:58:48


          Well,once again, through a movie,we clearly understand the real picture behind the generous and sympathetic face of US. I can't help but linking the arrest of Roman Polanski to this movie. Wow, I gotta say that the conspiracy portrayed in this peculiar-atmosphere thriller is too big and spinechilling even for US. I don't know why yet the belief that there must be some truth in this movie has been haunting me since. Year after year, by the description of American novel,movie,TV drama, I have got a kind of fear that where there is a regime,there is the agent or sleeper cell of CIA or FBI or homeland security. In comparison, the technology used by my country and US look like from different times.

           Sometimes, the rise of China has given so many patriot enormous confidence and counrage,however, the gaps in various fields are aslo startling. Every years, the best of best scientists and talents choose to renounce their own nationality to go to the shores of US. In the global college ranking of 2010, 30 percent of top 100 are American. It's like that US is a magnet pulling all the best toward them. If the current situation continue, I see no hope of the change of world-leader. There are a large number of criticism against the unilateralism used by the administration of Bush, but apparently there is few country who can compete with US. Nowadays,whole Europe has chosen to prostrate to the power of US. So many people are now discussing the post-America era after the big-economic recession,While as far as I know, the dominion of US is far from over. As long as the best technology and talents are still kept by US, no one is able to challenge its status.