

7.8 / 22,208人    102分鐘

導演: 卡柏瑞爾‧亞斯里
編劇: 卡柏瑞爾‧亞斯里 Karen Blixen
演員: 斯特法妮奧德朗 Birgitte Federspiel Bodil Kjer Jarl Kulle


2010-08-20 02:01:45

Babette the 阿提斯t

French feast, the clashes between Scandinavian and Parisian lifestyles, the grip of religious or secular life. This movie collects and combines abundant desirable features to be a feast of movie for audience.

What I am most curious and most afraid of is what happens at the end of a feast, which was accumulated by the polite patience of the story.

The vanity fair of appetites has awakened in the humbly-living and long-restrained souls the longing for their very own heaven, and has in a miraculous way made it come true that religious believes, secular sensations, and artistic pursuit communicate and conspire the feast of life.

Babette, who fabricates the feast, is definitely one admirably intelligent woman. She survives her life long and faraway after her being extravagantly boasted and then brutally treated by life. Such a woman, with a gracious heart, a smart mind and observant eyes, her enthusiasm will never fade in her time of life.

She has tried her best to improve the living standards of her masters, and performs in an unnoticeable way until her leave for food preparations. And When the test or change of life arrives -- the unexpected fortune has come into her hands -- she figures out the expense for remembering her past, and reciprocating her masters. With the same amount of fortune otherwise served as hope of back to Paris, the center of vanity, Babette had nevertheless refuted to resume her past fame back there. She has found the peace and heaven that belongs to her in Jutland.

TO tell the truth, I did quail at the theme of the intruder of an exclued society, which will finally release its sharp teeth to the outsider which broke their peace and quite. For people are fearful of the Unknown, which is out of control and is demonized, and then fear will easily translated into hatred, and therefore the action will be summoned to quench the unharmonious voices. The more excluded the insiders are, the more frenetically the group will prove their reign among its parish.

But our intelligent Babette has never indulge the idea of radical action of bringing into some fresh air. On the contrary, she has adapted her quite well to the village life, out of respect of the mainstream lifestyle. She learns their languages, performs her duties with quite a high yet lovable shrewdness, constantly appreciating the subtlety in life. Only on occasions does she let out her melancholy at sunsets. She manages to live a life from the start, and makes the amazingly wise decision of spending big fortune on the feast, which all of us believe to fulfill and console every longing, restless, or dull heart. It is fated to be the feast of life.

Babette is quite a artist of life. The way she sings and turns over her head smiling, the way she irons the tablecloth meticulously, the way she organizes a variety of fanciful food material in perfect order, the way she tastes red wine thoughtfully, the way she at the end peacefully remarks, 'I was once the chief chef of Café Anglais', A woman of exceeding height of fame who deemed gracefully pains and gains of her life could have never received enough applauses.

Perhaps the end of one feast should bother me less; for it has left with the satisfactions, memories and inspirations for each diner to restore and recollect all the rest of their lives, with which we resume our life journey.
