重案對決--Law Abiding Citizen


7.4 / 324,808人    109分鐘 | 118分鐘 (director's cut)

導演: 蓋瑞葛雷
編劇: 寇特威默
演員: 傑瑞德巴特勒 蕾絲莉畢柏 傑米福克斯 布魯斯麥吉爾 薇拉戴維絲


2010-08-22 08:14:35

Your Law vs. My Justice

Watched two movies in a row that talk about making decisions under a legal system. The American legal system, or any western legal system, is so "ethical" that it can be an ironic joke sometimes. Fracture, Unthinkable, and now Law Abiding Citizen. All these movies present a story in which justice is nothing more than tool to protect the smartass, nothing more than the bread that feeds those who compromise. Like what Clyde said in the movie:
"You're too busy treating the law like it's a fucking assembly line"

But aren't we all accomplices of this killing machine by just standing here and watching?