浴血任務--The Expendables


6.4 / 368,213人    103分鐘 | 113分鐘 (extended director's cut)

導演: 席維斯史特龍
編劇: 席維斯史特龍
演員: 席維斯史特龍 傑森史塔森 李連杰 杜夫朗格林 艾力克羅勃茲 史帝夫奧斯汀


2010-08-23 07:12:37

To challenge the unconquerable things

First of all,if you are looking for any sentimental or educational plot,there is none or very little that can be traced in this film.But if you are looking for sensational stunt scenes,you are gonna have such an abundant visual feast!Everyone of them is gifted with special skills,and looks like Kungfu master,you cannot help but feel as if you were one of them,fighting and killing,throwing bombs and pulling trigers,all for the justice deep in heart.But when it comes to the humor-making part,i gotta say the lines are pretty lame for me,and constantly keeps audience in a half-laughing state.
Anyway,it satisfies our wish of justice quells evil in the end.