浴血任務--The Expendables


6.4 / 368,213人    103分鐘 | 113分鐘 (extended director's cut)

導演: 席維斯史特龍
編劇: 席維斯史特龍
演員: 席維斯史特龍 傑森史塔森 李連杰 杜夫朗格林 艾力克羅勃茲 史帝夫奧斯汀


2010-08-24 17:46:03

what do you want

   i have told me several times that dont view the Stallone film \LIudehua film.after that i saw the "future X-cops"by MRliu with my son.He thout it a cartoon but i thout it shit.after the Expendables i remember a sentense in china :there is shit every year but its more in this year.
   i knew MR s 20 years ago.the face today is just like his 20 years ago just increase some speckles.is LIlianjie just like he said in the movie that he is very short of money?it seemed that he will act shit if gave him enough money.
   the only good point i can remember now is the scene MR s and Statham attack the dock by plane.Statham used scatter-gun first then MR s pour the gasolene to the dock.after statham"s a fire to the dock,the whole dock exploded. -----But in a movie before there was a scene just resemble it.the fire by the blast will go up to the plane straight the pouring way of the fasolene.SO the plane will PENG......
    You should be happy with so little expectation.Its very very inportant to manage your expectation in your life or work.i am critical of the film .i want more .
    of course if you are a young girl and you think your BF is some girl.you can take him to the cinema and tell him :I want you be so man just like MR s even after 20 years.it is better if he is Statham now and be MR S after 20 years.