浴血任務--The Expendables


6.4 / 368,213人    103分鐘 | 113分鐘 (extended director's cut)

導演: 席維斯史特龍
編劇: 席維斯史特龍
演員: 席維斯史特龍 傑森史塔森 李連杰 杜夫朗格林 艾力克羅勃茲 史帝夫奧斯汀


2010-08-25 04:52:25

Well....not that good but still thrilling......

         First time when I laid my eyes on its tagline:the best cast that ever assembled, I gotta say I felt the adrenaline rushing to mt head. The first movie I watched in cInema is the Stallone's. There is no exaggeration that I actually grew up in the company of his movies. I mean, in my mind, he is just the toughest guy among mankind,64 years old, still got stone-like muscles, resolute eyes......

         While, I hate to admit that the actions are brilliant, actors,awesome, weapons and ways of killing, impressive......story, calamitously terrible. For so many years, as many as hundreds action movies appear every years, but only a few of them can be deeply etched in our minds. As the computer science and cinematography are improving gradually, it seems that audience is kind of sated with the a little bit stereotypical plots of action movies. Come on,the story can be easily categorized into several types:first:about CIA,second CIA and terrorist.third:FBI or CIA against some kind of conspiracy. Normally, not so many people really give a shit to the stupid stories. But I'm still waiting for some peculiar action movie which could give me a new experience in terms of both vision and spirit.......

        At last, bravo....despite the story.........