超異能英雄:第一季--Heroes: Season 1


7.5 / 253,398人    45分鐘 | 60分鐘 (including commercials)



2010-09-05 03:34:41

Room's dark! I thought Sylar came.

Seven or eight minutes before light came back~Damn it!Scared!
Life is dangerous&tough,more for one that owns special talent.That's why genius sucks.
Better if I'm not one of them---do "heroes" think so right now?
We're just lucky as we are in a normal life but---will you ever refuse to make a difference noticing that you are able to?Few answers no and that's the same with roles in this series. I'm just thinking about --um--actually some people do face a choice,e.g. try to hide one's talent or sth. Somehow they just fail to control that because of need,desire,ambition...maybe.It's so interesting.As a matter of fact,what on hell is important in the end?Why do they regard it necessary to be important?
One question.If there's no explosion no mission,what will heroes do?
In the reality world things get rather complicated and paths differ.
Well,nice day.People're with hard dicisions,though.