牛仔褲的夏天--The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants


6.5 / 65,274人    119分鐘

導演: 肯克皮斯
演員: 艾美莉卡弗瑞娜 南西崔薇絲 瑞雪蒂寇汀 邁克沃格爾


2010-09-10 20:48:25

Not only warm. But faith.

The film is so warm. I'm writing this with tears on my face and hearing .
On the path of maturing, we discover answers of all the things we cannot understand by ourselves. It's always painful and not that easy.
I'm making effort, by reading, by travelling, observing, and thinking. And somtimes, in some aspect, I have to discover and accept that I was wrong all the time, and change it no matter how hard. I find answers too, by books, people around, and nature.
Now I know I'm not alone.
Everyone will conquer the confused time. We're still a little tender, but it doesn't matter.
We're living with heart. Walking through the magic moments in the magic life.

These Days
                      ——chantal kreviazuk

What's this life anyway?
What's it to you and me?
What's it to anyone?
Who are we supposed to be?
Make me a storybook
Write me away from here
I need a different now
Where we can wear each other for awhile
I'll len you my tears if I could borrow a smile
I'll get through tomorrow somehow today
Happy After...
Once upon these days
There's four roads to anywhere
Four ways to everything
We were unbreakable
We spoke our destiny
Let's take a moment out
Go were we never go
Let's make a new world now
Where we can wear each other for awhile
I'll lend you my tears if I could borrow your smile
We'll get through tomorrow somehow today
Happy After...
Once upon these days
Then one day we'll find
when we're looking back at this time
Wondering how we've come so far from this
When we close our eyes
What's this life anyway
What's it to you and me
What are we doing here
Who are we supposed to be
I'll take a better world
I'll take anything
I'll take our little world now
Where we can wear each other for awhile
I'll lend you my tears if I could borrow your smile
We'll get through tomorrow somehow today
Happy After...
Once upon these days   舉報