2010-09-12 04:37:08
Good movie
第一、坦普爾認識到自然是殘酷的,她不是一個不食人間煙火的仙子,而是一個務實的人。她認識到如果沒有人類對牛肉的需求,就不會有這麼多養殖場在繁育牛。她可以在看《動物世界》中獅子啃食羚羊的同時吃果凍,也可以目不轉睛地盯著牛被屠宰的場景,她知道這裡面是自然地規律在作用,但是她主張要對牛人性化處理,並且向他人證明了這樣做對牛,對養牛者都有利。在片尾她提到「Nature is cruel,but we don't have to be. we owe them some respect」. She is a really hard woman, but she has a rather soft heart.
第二、卡洛克博士傳遞給坦普爾的信念,關於對死亡的態度的。名叫Chestnut的馬死亡時,卡洛克告訴坦普爾,「Temple, when animals and people die, they stay with us in our minds. we can still see them. so i think it would be best not to remember Chestnut like this, okay?" 所以,當坦普爾聽到卡洛克博士的死訊時,她看到的是初次見到博士的情景,他正舉著火箭模型對她微笑。
再摘錄卡洛克博士對坦普爾說的一番話作為結尾,」Temple, think of it as a door, a door that's open up onto a whole new world for you. and you need to do decide to go through it".