白雪新鮮人--Sydney White


6.2 / 49,454人    108分鐘

導演: 喬努斯鮑姆
編劇: Chad Creasey
演員: 亞曼達拜恩 莎拉派絲頓 Matt Long Jack Carpenter 傑瑞米霍華德


2010-09-23 05:14:29

you will when you believe

Today is my second time to enjoy this movie. I love it very much. In the beginning, the music is appreciated. The theme of this movie is courage. In our daily life, we should full of courage and confident to believe that we could complete whatever we want to fulfill. Most of us are ordinary, but we could do something brilliant that even we own couldn't image.
The movie is inspiring. Maybe I will enjoy it the other day.   舉報