經典老爺車--Gran Torino


8.1 / 823,028人    116分鐘

導演: 克林伊斯威特
編劇: 尼克史堅克
演員: 克林伊斯威特 克里斯多夫卡利 畢范 安妮赫爾 約翰卡羅林區


2010-09-26 11:46:04

Puppet-looking Asian Americans under stereotype

I admit that Gran Torino is not a bad movie, however, maybe from an American's point of view. Besides Eastwood, everyone is like a puppet painted with stereotype, a woman behave that way (I mean Tao's grandma) would be thought as a raving lunatic in my opinion. However, it is Americans' impression about old asian ladies who do not speak English at all. I wouldn't blame him for that, though. Even not a big studio picture, it still needs to sell.

Anyway, I bet the quality of this movie will make your investment in the movie ticket worth every penny 'cause of the intriguing story. But, still no surprise in the end. It's Clint Eastwood we are talking about, I do not expect anything else than a lonely hero. It's all about Clint if he's in the list.