權力風暴--Lions for Lambs


6.2 / 44,446人    92分鐘

導演: 勞勃瑞福
編劇: 馬修‧邁克爾‧卡納漢
演員: 湯姆克魯斯 梅莉史翠普 勞勃瑞福 麥可潘納 Tracy Dali


2010-10-05 00:58:03




美國大學中的三教九流各式人物形形色色,也跟國內的大學教育一樣。翹課、泡妞等等。我所能看到的區別,在於他們面對政治上的腐敗和虛偽,以及戰爭本身的邪惡,卻真心的面對和想要努力做出改變。同時,憤青在美國社會裡同樣存在,比如說年輕的主角Todd Hayes,因為對國會、議員、政治的失望而不再出席自己的專業課。

首次聽說外國設有「Political Science」這個專業,如果按照國內的思路,一定會以馬哲、毛概、鄧論、仨代表、和諧之類的作為專業課進行填鴨式的教育吧。


而Professor Stephen Malley眼中少有具有potential的學生,是那些敢於獨立思考,不偏向於主流媒體,同時敢於維護自己的思想,並為之奮鬥的年輕人。成長到了這個階段,能有良師悉心指導,可能是最為幸運的事了。寫到這裡又想到《An Inconvenient Truth》里Al Gore的大學導師,嚴謹的科學態度使他受益無窮,而導師必其心力所投入的研究後來也使得Gore投身環保,為全球變暖問題四處奔走。





   1,國會山莊的議員Jasper Irving與ANX記者Janine Roth的one-on-one appintment,將阿富汗的軍事行動向公眾公開,以轉移對伊拉克戰爭持續拖延、死亡人數不停上升的注意力,爭取選票;
   2,大學裡一個因對政治失望而自暴自棄的學生Todd Hayes在學期結束後,與Professor Stephen Malley碰面,討論該學期的最終成績;
   3,阿富汗戰場上,Jasper Irving的主張的軍事行動始末,而作為Professor Stephen Malley曾經的學生,主動參戰卻在這場失敗的軍事行動中喪身沙場。

在第一次看這部電影的時候,覺得Tom Cruise是這部電影的亮點,於是毫不猶豫給了五星,精聽了好幾個月的原聲之後,才注意到Robert Redford這個老狐狸,這部電影中他既是導演又是主演,整體情節的把握、音樂、台詞以及電影背後所表達的內容、思想等等都讓我佩服的五體投地,這才是這部電影五星的真正原因。

精聽這部電影的初衷是著迷於Tom Cruise的標準美式發音,以及巧妙的政治手腕和對記者的應答技巧,摘錄部份經典問答如下:
Your position affords you the luxury of that opinion. Mine does not.It is my responsibility, it's part of my job description to protect the American people.

OK. Let's... let's play this out.We walk, and Afghanistan reverts back to the Taliban. Only now the Taliban has metastasised into something more vicious and potent because they're now 2 and 0 versus the superpowers. They'd butcher people who voted, who were stupid enough to put their faith in our word. Call it not only the end of hope for millions of Afghans but the end of American credibility, the end of America as a force for righteousness in the world. When we're forced to go back in a couple of years - quote me on this - we'll square off against a shattered Iraq, a hopeless Afghanistan and a nuclear Iran. How many troops are we gonna need then? I guarantee you'll be adding some zeros.

-What were your estimates?
-What I can say is that this strategy has patience and determination at its core.It ensures that it puts our fighting men in spots where they can kill the enemy, so that we can then go about rebuilding that country.

We made mistakes. Colossal mistakes that should never be forgotten. But six years ago, who could have known what to do or when to do it after watching ourjets fly into our buildings? Do you remember how petrified we were at what our enemies might do for an encore? And how all at once everything was at risk? Families, friends, the kindergartens... the rivers and bridges, nuclear plants. Do you remember how terror coloured that next morning in shades we'd never seen? And tens of thousands have died since because of that fear, and the mistakes it inspired. But the question I'm left with, the question that keeps me up at night, because I have to answer it, is what do we do now?

電影結尾的一段亮點,當Janine Roth從電視台里出來,鑽進計程車,內心委屈於自己迫於生活而對政治力量作出的讓步時,車子剛好經過國會山莊,然後是一片墓地。五顏六色的樹林裡,燦爛的陽光照耀下的,卻是觸目驚心的的一排又一排墓地,那一個個墓碑下面,曾經是一個個鮮活的生命,他們為了國家、為了理想而獻出生命,卻絲毫沒有意識到這種付出本身是否值得,僅僅只是作為某個政治家的政治資本,成了犧牲品。此時絕美的場景和沉鬱的配樂,在Janine眼裡更顯得落寞和悲哀,潸然淚下,這一幕,深深的印在腦海里,引發對戰爭、人性、政治的多方面思考。


Here's my last bit, so bear with me. The decisions you make now, can't be changed but with years and years of hard work to redo it. And in those years you become something different. Everybody does as time passes. You get married, you get into debt. But you're never gonna be the same person you are right now. And promise and potential... It's very fickle. And it just might not be there any more.
All I'm saying is that you're an adult now. And the tough thing about adulthood is that it starts before you even know it starts, when you're already a dozen decisions into it. But what you need to know, no lifeguard's watching any more. You're on your own. You're your own man, and the decisions you make now are yours and yours alone from here until the end.
