2010-10-16 02:54:25
Lest we needed reminding, kids have an alarming tendency to lead wild, kamikaze existences; red in tooth and claw and beset by terror on every side. In Stand By Me (adapted from a novella by Stephen King), a quartet of teens walk into the woods in search a dead body. Along the way, they learn a little about themselves, and about the vagaries of adolescent friendships that seem rock-solid and undying until they blow away like gossamer. Rob Reiner's rites-of-passage drama is a bittersweet sayonara to the Huck Finn lifestyle; a film that gives us the honey as well as the hornets.
毋庸諱言,孩子們都有一個驚人的天性,就是喜歡過狂野不羈、無拘無束的生活;希望自己的四週都是張牙舞爪、恐怖環繞。在《伴我同行》(改編自史蒂芬·金(Stephen King)的中篇小說)里,四個少年走進樹林去尋找死屍。一路上,他們對自己有了一些認識,對青春友誼的變幻莫測有了一些認識,這友誼似乎堅如磐石、始終不渝,卻會像薄紗一般隨風而逝。萊納的人生儀式性劇本是對哈克·費恩生活方式苦樂參半的揮別;一部既讓我們感受甜蜜又讓我們感覺生疼的影片。