星星的孩子--Temple Grandin


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導演: 米克傑生
編劇: 克里斯多佛蒙高爾 馬利特強森
演員: 克萊兒丹妮絲 茱莉亞歐蒙 大衛史崔森 凱瑟琳奧哈拉


2010-10-25 05:59:54


Asperger Syndrom早在《Adam》里已經見識過了,如果能擁有某種天才的能力,專注地做一項事業,我絕不抗拒。正如他們所不能理解的那樣,佔多數的普通人樂於做一些自以為正常而實際上不可理喻的事,急於給少數不同於自己的人扣上「異常」的帽子,饒有優越感地輕視取笑他們。幸好,還有善良的人,從愛出發,努力地去理解他們,關愛他們,相信他們,發掘他們。也許並沒有什麼真正驚人的奇蹟,只不過是不相信奇蹟的人放棄得太早。多希望越來越多的人,願意拿出一點時間,冷靜地思考,去試著給這個世界和他人多一分理解。

AS症候群不表現,不代表內心無感知,所以Temple Grandin也有信賴的人和感激的人。從愛出發,她懂得了生命的尊嚴,即使難免一死,也要死得人道。這裡又恰恰看出了,她並不天真,而是以這個社會的邏輯在思考,她並沒有想要打破自然規律,推行素食主義之類。她只是想給為人類認勞認怨認宰認殺的牛兒們一份臨終關懷,而這剛好帶來了經濟效益,所以被接納推廣了。多麼希望人類能多做一些並非為自己好,而只是單純正確的事呀。多麼希望越來越多的人,在品嚐美味獲得營養能量時,能出於對食物的感激,以及對挨餓之人的憐憫,不再浪費食物!

這部片子裡廢話很少,Temple Grandin幾段不能自己一氣呵成的台詞,更讓我忍不住倒回去重看,真實坦誠的內容非常值得世人回味反思。

If it wasn't for my machine, I wouldn't be standing here today. Instead I'd be hiding in my room or spinning in circles to calm myself or hitting someone. When I was younger, I closed myself off from people. I didn't even speak until I was four. There's a highfalutin name for this condition. Autism. But because of my machine, I'm able to know the kindness and love that have been given to me to reach this point in my life. Today more than ever, I realize that I haven't walked alone. And I thank not only my teachers, but my friends and family as well, as in the words of the song from Carousel."When you walk through a storm, hold your head up high, and don't be afraid of the dark.At the end of a storm is a golden sky and s sweet silver song of a lark. Walk on through the wind. Walk on through the rain, though your dreams be tossed and blown. Walk on, walk on, with hope in your heart, and you'll never walk alone. You'll never walk alone."
Cattle aren't dangerous.And they are predictable.So it's not hard to design a system that won't hurt them.But the cowboys would rather prod them and scare them. I designed a dip vat at John Wayne Red River Feedlot based on the way cattle see and think and behave, and the editor of Cattle Magazine said it was a masterpiece, but the cowboys killed three cows in it. Three. In five minutes. Because they wouldn't follow my design. I can't protect the cattle unless I design the whole system, from the moment they enter to the moment they get slaughtered. Well, of course they gonna get slaughtered. Do you think we'd have cattle if people didn't eat them every day? They'd just be funny-looking animals in zoos. No, we raise them for us. We owe them some respect. Nature is cruel, but we don't have to be. I wouldn't want to have my guts ripped out by a lion. I'd much rather die in a slaughterhouse if it was done right. We can easily do it in a way where they don't feel pain and they don't get scared. And their cortisol levels go through the roof! I know a slaughterhouse that's a mess and I know exactly how to fix it.
Nature is cruel, but we don't have to be. We owe them some respect. I touched the first cow as it was being stunned.In few seconds, it was gonna be just another piece of beef. but in that moment, it was still an individual, was calm, then it was gone. I became aware of how precious life was. I thought about death and I felt close to god. I don't want my thoughts to die with me. I want to have done something. I know there are a lot of things that I can't understand,but I still want my life to have meaning.
Most autistic people are very sensitive to sounds and colors. Over-Stimulation hurts. People talking too much at once can cause us to panic.
My mother refused to believe that I wouldn't speak. And when I learned to speak, she made me go to school.And in school and at home, manners and rudes were really important. They were pounded into me. I was lucky. All these things worked for me. Everyone worked hard to make sure that I was engaged.I mean, they knew, I was different, but not less. I had a gift. I could see the world in a new way. I could see details that other people were blind to. My mother pushed me to become self-sufficient.I worked summer at my aunt's ranch. I went to boarding school and college. Those things were uncomfortable for me at first, but they helped me to open doors to new worlds.