衝出逆境 --Antwone Fisher


7.3 / 29,529人    120分鐘 | Canada:117分鐘 (Toronto International Film Festival)

演員: 丹佐華盛頓 導演: 丹佐華盛頓


2010-10-29 07:02:31

Denzel 華盛頓 Made It

First of all,the first thng to say is that it was Denzel 華盛頓(the psychiatrist in the movie)who directed this great motion picture and this low-key drama really showcases his true talents.It was made on a modest budget and is mainly dialogue-driven,yet I was fascinated from start to finish.This is another film that sends out a message to all aspiring movie stars:You don't need to struggle for a role with other actors in some great directors』films.Just pick up your camera and make a meaningful film that belongs to yourself.
Denzel 華盛頓 made it because he made the successful transfer from a great actor who has won 2 time academy awards to a ambitous director whose debut Antwone Fisher was considered as a masterpiece.A film like Antwone Fisher was nicely made and artisticallly satisfying.It was about a black navy boy named Antwone Fisher(starred by Derek Luke)who had experienced a horrible childhood:being discarded by his mother only after a few years when he was born and his father was killed by one of his ex-girlfriends;abused by his stepmother both physically and psychologically and even his best friend was gunned down due to a stupid robbery that should never ever happen.All these special experiences caused his unique personality:He is strong but weak at the same time;He is able to learn different languages but afraid of recalling all the miserable things happened in his childhood;He is a brave navy but dares not to look for his family.However,everything has changed since a shrink(starred by Denzel 華盛頓) came in his life.
The interaction between the 2 actors were down to earth and the dialogue were so powerful that you don't wanna miss a hint or every subtle nuance.Denzel 華盛頓’s lines are like a impressionist’s paint.Those paintings can confer a sense of beauty without necessarily offering a clear idea of what is actually presented.It is those words that change Antwone 『s life and eventually he gets a life over all the obstacles.He find the whereabouts of his family and lives a happy life with the girl he loves.
It needs to be said that this film reveals some hot issues like racial discrimination,highly-frequent crimes in our society and the problems between a psychiatrist and his wife.This movie is strong,great casting,excellent acting and over the top directing.It should be a milestone in Denzel 華盛頓’s filmmaking career.
The main ideas the film tried to get across is obvious:the point is not what you used to be or what kind of horrible things you』ve been through;the point is you gotta learn to face your past and overcome all the obstcles in your mind.Only in this way can they call you a man.
Profound thanks to Denzel 華盛頓 for making this great motion picture.