性、謊言、錄影帶--Sex, Lies and Videotape


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導演: 史蒂芬索德柏
編劇: 史蒂芬索德柏
演員: 詹姆斯史派德 安蒂麥道威爾 彼得葛蘭傑 Laura San Giacomo Ron Vawter


2010-11-02 03:08:28


安問格雷厄姆為什麼他會變成這樣。格雷厄姆的回答讓我很是喜歡。那句「I was there. I don't have the slightest idea who I am, and I'm supposed to be able to explain it to you? 」給了我很深的印象。是啊,有時候我們總想了解一個人的過去以此來推斷他的現在,而我們也總習慣於向別人闡述自己的過去來讓別人更多的了解我們,可是一個人的過去真的就這麼重要嗎?看完影片,那句「I was there」深深的印在了我的腦子裡。於是,我總想著,如果有人試圖想詢問我的過去,試圖想去問我為什麼會是現在這個樣子,那麼我也會用這樣一句I was there來回應他。這樣,我也就再不用和自己的過去糾纏不清了。


--Is this what you wanna be the rest of your life? Why are you doing this? Can you tell me that? Why are you doing this to yourself? Are you gonna answer me?
--Please, don't do that.
--Why not?
-- Don't do that.
-- I wanna ask a few questions, like why do you tape women talking about sex? Why do you do that? Can you tell me why? Come on. I'm just gonna keep asking.
-- I don't find turning the tables very interesting.
-- Well, I do. Tell me why, Graham. Why?
-- What? What? What do you want me to tell you? "Tell me why?" Why? Ann, you don't even know who I am. You don't have the slightest idea who I am. Am I supposed to recount all the points in my life leading up to this moment and just hope that it's coherent, that it makes some sort of sense to you? It doesn't make any sense to me. You know, I was there. I don't have the slightest idea who I am, and I'm supposed to be able to explain it to you? And why? You tell me why. Why do I have to explain myself to you?
-- Because maybe I can help you.
-- Help me with what?
-- Your problem.
-- My problem? Do I have a problem? look around me in this town and I see John and Cynthia and you, and I... I feel comparatively healthy.