浩劫重生--Cast Away


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導演: 羅勃辛密克斯
編劇: 威廉布洛勒斯
演員: 湯姆漢克斯 海倫杭特 尼克西塞 Christopher Noth Lari White


2010-11-13 10:59:48

《Cast Away》( 荒島餘生)經典台詞

應該沒有錯--cast away『lines

我倆當年都計算過了…凱莉考慮過所有的因素--We both had done the math and Kelly added it all up.

她知道一定要放棄我--She knew she had to let me go.

我考慮過了一切,知道…自己會失去她--I added it up knew that I'd lost her.

因為我永遠無法離開那個島--Cause I was never gonna get off that island.

我會死在那裡--I was gonna die there.

孤單地死去--totally alone.

我會生病、受傷或有其它意外--I mean I was gonna get sick or get injures.

我只有一個選擇--The only choice I had

我唯一可以控制的…就是什麼時候、怎麼樣…以及在哪裡死.--the only thing I could control was when and how and where that was gonna happen.

因此.我造了一條繩子--So I made a rope.

爬上山頂想吊死--And I went up to the summit to hang my-self .

但我得先試試那條繩子--But I had to test it you know?

當然,你了解我--Of course. You know me.

代替我的木頭太重把樹枝折斷了--And the weight of the log snapped the limb of the tree.

所以我.甚至不能選擇自己的死法--So I couldn't even kill myself the way I wanted to.

我對什麼都無能為力--I had power over nothing.

就在那時我有了種溫暖的感覺--And that's when this feeling came over me like a warm blanket.

我知道,無論如何.我一定要活下去--I knew somehow that I had to stay alive.

無論如何我一定要繼續呼吸即使已經沒有盼望的理由--Somehow I had to keep breathing even though there was no reason to hope.

邏輯告訴我再也見不到這個地方了--And all my logic said that I would never see this place again.

這就是我所做的我活下來了我繼續呼吸--So that's what I did. I stayed alive. I kept breathing.

後來有一天,邏輯被證實錯了.因為潮水給我帶來了一面帆--And then one day that logic was proven all wrong because the tide came in gave me a sail.

而現在,我在這裡.我回到了孟菲斯.在跟你說話--And now here I am. I'm back in Memphis talking to you.

我的杯中有冰--I have ice in my glass.

而我又重新失去了她--And I've lost her all over again.

沒有凱莉我很傷心--I'm so sad that I don't have Kelly.

但我感激她 陪我度過了島上的歲月--But I'm so grateful that she was with me on that island.

我知道自己現在要做什麼--And I know what I have to do now.

我要繼續呼吸--I gotta keep breathing.

因為明天,太陽將會升起-- Because tomorrow the sun will rise.

誰知道潮水會帶來什麼?--Who knows what the tide could bring?
