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導演: 奎葛利霍里
編劇: 陶比艾瑪李奇
演員: 丹尼斯奎德 吉姆卡維佐 安德魯布瑞格 Elizabeth Mitchell (Ⅰ) 諾亞艾莫瑞奇


2010-11-15 00:29:13


The love between John’s father and mother also moved me. I admired them so much and I was imaging in the future if I could have a husband loved me so much. We will dance with a romantic song and take the responsibility of marriage, and make our child grow up healthy. The relationship between couples is important to their child. There is more to marriage than just a social bond. A child grow up in a happy family is more likely to be a good person with a kind heart.
     I burst into tears by the end of movie, actually by the happy scene and beautiful music. 「On a prayer, in a song/I hear your voice and/It keeps me hanging on/Raining down/Against the wind/I』m reaching out till/we reach the circle’s end/When you come back to me again.」 When he came back to John again, John no longer felt mix—up about his life. He was no longer a single man. He had a wife and son. He was so handsome when he hit the ball at the end. He was a confident man with a happy family. I really touched by this scene. When I wrote this words and thought of that situation, my tears nearly to burst out again.