星星的孩子--Temple Grandin


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導演: 米克傑生
編劇: 克里斯多佛蒙高爾 馬利特強森
演員: 克萊兒丹妮絲 茱莉亞歐蒙 大衛史崔森 凱瑟琳奧哈拉


2010-11-24 22:40:23


1. A door opened and I went through it. 走過這個門檻就是另外一個不同的世界。
2.Different, but no less. 媽媽始終相信temple並不比被人差。每個人都不同,但是只要努力只要用心都會很優秀。
3.I have autism. Temple勇敢地承認自己和別人不一樣。這個真的很難做到。知道自己的缺陷,勇敢地承認,然後克服缺點並開發自己真的很難。
4. When animals and people died, they stay with us, in our minds, we can still see them. it will be the best not to remember Chestnut like this. Temple是幸運的,有一個引導她幫助她的老師。老師去世的時候,temple去看他最後一眼。默默地把牛型胸針放到老師身上,腦子想起她第一次見到老師的樣子,老師上課的樣子等等,然後她說她要走了。眼淚就留下來了。簡單的情感表達深刻的愛。
5. Nature is cruel, but we don't have to be.We owe them some respect.人應該給動物應有的尊重和愛。
6. When you walk through the storm hold your head up high,and don't be afraid of the dark. Walk on through the wind. Walk on through the rain.Though your dreams be tossed and blown. Walk on, walk on, with hope in your heart. And you'll never walk alone. You'll never walk alone.Temple 在大學畢業典禮上面唱了這麼一首歌。我們有愛有夢想。即使有很多磨難我們也不要怕。努力排除萬難追逐夢想!
