啟動原始碼--Source Code


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導演: 鄧肯瓊斯
編劇: 班雷普利
演員: 傑克葛倫霍 蜜雪兒莫娜漢 薇拉法蜜嘉 傑弗瑞萊特


2010-11-25 02:58:09

[9.19更新]大家趕緊去聯繫Duncan 瓊斯,讓此片在國內公映!!!(他親自寄了一盒子紀念品給我。。。)

(這不是一篇影評,所以請大家不要隨便點「沒用」。我發這篇文章時豆瓣尚未恢復底部的討論區,所以唯一可發的地方就是影評區。我現在的目的是不讓它沉下去,所以請不要點「沒用」。謝謝理解。另外,自從8月30日電影公映以來,越來越多的影迷對我的帖子表示了支持,在此謝謝所有好心影迷。我在豆瓣創建了貼現拍海報和票根的活動,到時候我會把連結給Duncan 瓊斯看,歡迎有興趣的朋友參與http://www.douban.com/online/10916411/)

Duncan 瓊斯處女作Moon上映時,我在Twitter上聯繫到Duncan 瓊斯,問他Moon會不會在中國上映,他說他非常希望影片能在中國上映,而且他很想來中國,當時還問我如果能來,該來哪個城市。

時隔一年多,Duncan 瓊斯的第二部電影Source Code又將上映,看過預告片後我認為此片比Moon更有大片氣質,所以覺得或許相比Moon,Source Code在國內上映的可能性大很多很多。而瓊斯先生一直延續著他上Twitter的習慣,於是我再次趁他在線時聯繫他,結果他又回復了我,而且仍然表示非常想來中國,謙虛的態度令人欽佩。

@ManMadeMoon Hi Duncan any chance of SC showing in China?So many people were disappointed that Moon didn't play here!
@ManMadeMoon Moon's gathered a large fan base here and everyone who's seen the SC trailer is looking forward to seeing it in the cinema.

Duncan 瓊斯:
@JessieAddick I would LOVE to.I have never had the chance to come to China,but would be honored to visit.


所以我在此號召所有喜歡Moon以及期待Source Code或者喜歡Jake Gyllenhaal、甚至是喜歡David Bowie的朋友,到Duncan 瓊斯的Twitter上去聯繫他,告訴他如果此片在中國上映一定會大賣。他知道有很多中國人想看的話應該會有所考慮的,畢竟如今國內電影市場如此之大,賺頭超多,外國人也是有所了解的。
Duncan 瓊斯的Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/manMadeMoon

@ManMadeMoon Hi Duncan sorry to bother you with this again but is there any chance of SC showing in China?

@JessieAddick let me see if I can get an answer for you!Hold tight,and remind me I'd(或許是筆誤if) you don't hear back in a day or two...

3月15日更新:Duncan 瓊斯沒過幾小時就回復我了,雖然不是好消息,但還是能讓人保持希望
@JessieAddick sorry to say there is not yet a Chinese distributor for the film...But...We are expanding to new countries all the time!


For those asking,still trying to find out about a China release date for Source Code.


@ManMadeMoon Duncan,a Chinese online friend told me Source Code will be released in Chinese cinema in August.Is it true?Or just a rumour?
@JessieAddick I have heard that too. Not confirmed, but I think it is right.


@ManMadeMoon Hi Duncan.Moon wasn't theatrically released here in China but still many people have seen it and become your fans.
@ManMadeMoon Lots of people want to know if you'll come here for the promotion of SC.
@ManMadeMoon Seeing as you'll fly to Japan so why not expand your far-east trip and come to China-that would be a dream come true for us fans!
@JessieAddick I would love to, but not sure it's going to be possible. Squeezing in a Japan visit, but that may be my last SC thing...
@JessieAddick well... its kind of up to the Chinese distributor, not me.
@ManMadeMoon Cool,so we need to contact the distributor,ha.Fingers crossed...

我在此號召所有看過或沒看過Source Code的影迷,一定要到影院去看,為他爭票房。這年頭這麼富有才華又謙遜無比的導演幾乎是非常少見的了。
@ManMadeMoon Sir you never read tweets longer than 140 characters?Would you read my long tweet just for once?Please?---Have you noticed that you're receiving more & more tweets from China these days? Since last November I've been calling on people on the biggest Chinese community site to contact you on twitter and it seems that many are tweeting you now. Actually Twitter is blocked in China and we all need to use proxy tools to log on. If Twitter weren't blocked, I'm sure you'd be flooded with hundreds of tweets from China everyday! You may not remember but I'm the first one from China that discovered you on Twitter. There was this 6 page feature article published in last September on the biggest film magazine in China which focused on successful indie movies of 2009. The feature started with the 'story' about me contacting you on Twitter and introduced you to the readers as director of Moon and the pioneer of modern sci-fi movies. That actually started the cult following. Now two years on, you've already gathered a laaarrrge fan base here in China and many people who read my post on that Chinese community site have made the effort to bypass the web block and follow you on Twitter. I've been telling everyone around me and as many people as possible on Chinese community sites to go to see SC starting on Aug.30. I'm sure the movie will do great in China. We all excitedly look forward to it and anything you do in the future. Keep up the good work and best wishes,Jessie xx

@JessieAddick Thank you Jessie. I just read your longer tweet. I'm humbled you've done so much to help my films in China. Thank you.

原始碼終於如期公映,導演Duncan 瓊斯唯一最權威影迷網站站長半個月前聯繫我請我寫篇博文介紹我在國內網路上如何幫助Duncan 瓊斯做宣傳。我花了兩個半天時間寫了篇長文章,發給站長時我跟站長說,隨便你貼不貼,要縮減或修改也可以,up to him。今天站長真的把它貼出來了,而且內容一個字都未改。。。另,向所有喜歡Moon和Source Code的影迷推薦這個網站,在這裡可以找到所有關於Duncan 瓊斯最時新的消息。
Duncan 瓊斯在他的Twitter上也向所有follow他的人推薦了這篇博文:
"Lovely story from a friend in China on getting Source Code out to the mainland audience :http://blog.manmademovies.co.uk/2011/08/30/chinese-fan-helps-spread-the-word-on-moon-source-code/#more-2223"

@ManMadeMoon Went to see SC on Aug.31 with 7 friends.Theatre almost full.Thank you for making this film.Sheer brilliance!Was moved to tears...
@JessieAddick I'm very glad you liked it!

當初有些影迷覺得我第一次和Duncan說起原始碼會不會來國內時提到的優異票房是個誇張的、不可實現的事情,甚至有些嗤之以鼻的味道,但是今天最新公佈的票房數據是,該片以4300萬登頂新一週內地票房。。。所以各位不要低估國內影迷的鑑賞力。因為我看到這一消息時不能上Twitter,於是我在第一時間告訴了前面提到的影迷網站站長,後來他在網站上發佈了此消息:http://blog.manmademovies.co.uk/2011/09/06/source-code-tops-chinese-mainland-box-office-chart/,並且也告訴了Duncan 瓊斯。Duncan很高興的在自己的Twitter上宣佈了這個消息。各位影迷,即使已經看過下載的,也請到影院捧場!這樣才能讓更多的優秀電影看到打開中國市場的希望,而不是永遠只有詹姆士 Cameron,變形金剛,哈里波特。。。

Duncan 瓊斯導演的影迷網站站長(是英國人)在月初問了我的地址,說要寄點東西給我以感謝我為Duncan的電影在國內作的宣傳。我沒想到的是,今天收到了,居然是由Duncan 瓊斯本人寄過來的。。。一個大大的盒子,我一看到封面FROM一欄手寫著DUNCAN JONES,XXXX,LOS ANGELES的字樣就立刻感到震驚萬分。盒子裡面有Moon的兩件T-shirt,4個patches,Source Code的一張復古版海報--Duncan 瓊斯本人寫了感謝的話並簽了名,還有兩個Source Code的吊牌。我09年春第一次在網上看到Moon的預告片壓根都不會想到2年多後的今天導演大人親自手簽海報感謝,並送來這麼一大盒子連買都買不到的紀念品。。。我無法想像世界上還有這麼好的導演。。。