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導演: 羅曼波蘭斯基
編劇: 羅柏湯恩
演員: 傑克尼柯遜 費唐娜薇 約翰休斯頓 黛安賴德


2010-11-26 07:58:47

A really good film

Well~I find myself was exciting to write my comment about the film! I have had "Thursday night at the movie" for 10 weeks, but is the first film that I never felt sleepy while watching the film because of the beautiful scenery taken by the director, the confused story and unsatisfied ending of the movie!
I had never seen such a great movie that all the scenery are so beautiful before because the director are good at using the light. I like taking pictures, so I have a little knowledge about the relation between light and pictures,the same to the video~Most of the scenery was taken in the dawn or nightfall when the light looks very very beautiful. What's more, the blue sea, clear water, green tree and the oringe light! I can't use a word to descripe my mood when I saw this movie~
I love the story! Its plot were really attracted you because it had some mistery and confusion on the film. like why there are two Mrs Mully,one is real and one is fake. Why both of them need to find Jack(a detector) to help them to find out the true? Why Mr. Mully was killed? ……
While seeing the film, you will never be sleepy, I promise!
A famous saying came from the film, "In Chinatown, do as little as possible."
I am very unsatisfied with the end of the film because Mrs Mully's father was a dangerous man, he raped his daugter and killed his son-in-law, what's worse, he took a great interst from the water department of the village, this bad guy, why in the end, his daghter had been killed, but he is all right? I want to aks, what is wrong with Chinatown(the place, not the film), it seems there is no law in Chinatown……
In most of films, whatever westerners film or gangsters film, or even in some other private eyes' film, bad guys would lose their livies in the end of the film but why this one? Confused……