相信愛情--Keeping The Faith


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導演: 艾德華諾頓
編劇: 史都華布朗柏格
演員: 班史提勒 艾德華諾頓 珍娜艾芙曼 安妮班克勞馥 埃里瓦拉赫


2010-11-27 17:09:31

faith is a feeling


作為一部容易流俗的愛情片,它很妙,因為它描述了遠不止愛情,關於生活,關於信仰,看似不經意下的台詞卻能讓人思考。ed找來專演喜劇的ben stiller當然不是沒有原因,所以全片都穿插著讓你會心一笑的幽默,讓我看到了想像中的ed生活中該有的樣子。作為他執導的第一部片,我感覺的到他努力想把自己的喜好呈現給大家看,所以不能奢求能有多完美,但也正因為他,成就了此片的美好~
關於女主,這簡直就是我夢想中女性該有的樣子,漂亮,自信,聰明,事業型女強人,不做作,活潑熱情,碰到對眼的就出擊,處著好的時候就心甘情願把事業暫且放一邊只為守著愛人,不會逼著男人結婚,進行不下去了就默默離開... anyway, absolutely the coolest woman 'God was showing off when he made you.'

Sometimes we don't see certain things until we're ready to see them in a certain way.

Yes, all right, you do. You suck. But that's ok, you're supposed to suck.

 Because faith is not about having the right answers. Faith is a feeling. Faith is a hunch, really. It's a hunch that there is something bigger connecting it all... connecting us all together. And that feeling, that hunch, is God. And coming here tonight, on your Sunday evening... to connect with that feeling, that is an act of faith. And so all I have to do is look around the room at this packed church... to know that we're doing pretty well as a community.

May those who love us, love us. And those who don't love us - may God turn their hearts. And if He cannot turn their hearts, may he turn their ankles, so that we may know them by their limping.

The truth is you can never tell yourself there is only one thing you could be. If you are a priest or if you marry a woman it's the same challenge. You cannot make a real commitment unless you accept that it's a choice that you keep making again and again and again.

I'm saying I love you. I'm in love with you. And I've been waiting my whole life for someone like you and I'm not gonna let you go. Please don't go. Anna, I'm not gonna let you go.

I don't doubt myself because of you. I feel like the best version of myself when I'm with you, and that makes me doubt everything else.

anyhow, 其實主要還是講文化民族間的融合啦,世界大同