星星的孩子--Temple Grandin


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導演: 米克傑生
編劇: 克里斯多佛蒙高爾 馬利特強森
演員: 克萊兒丹妮絲 茱莉亞歐蒙 大衛史崔森 凱瑟琳奧哈拉


2010-12-01 09:11:46

「different but not less「


"She is bright." 「different but not less「. 這是Temple的母親對她的認識與理解。的確,最了解孩子的還是母親。


那些人只是不能接受和包容她的不同,看不到她身上的特殊才能。她擅長用圖畫思考事情和問題,think in pictures and connect them, 熱愛學科學,非常好學和愛思考,喜歡探究事或物的本源,幾乎達到一種偏執不在意別人看法的程度。她懷有人道主義精神,改善屠宰場的作業系統使之更有人道。她用一種新的方式去看這個世界。

但她的母親、阿姨與Dr. Carlock看到了她與眾不同的才能。


Dr. Carlock看到了她超強的用圖畫思考的能力,「she is terrific." 並引導她去發展利用它,不斷鼓勵她,在她遇到困難時指導她更好去解決問題。

「Temple, think of it as a door.A door that's going to open up onto a whole new world for you and all you need to do is decide to go through it.」

Temple是幸運的,她遇上了Dr. Carlock這位良師。很多具有特殊才能的人因為沒有遇上像Dr. Carlock這樣的人而埋沒了才能,毀了一生。

在Temple身上有著很多思想閃光點, 很值得人回味,深思和學習。

「Nature is cruel, but we don't have to be. We owe them some respect.」 「I don't want my thoughts to die with me. I want to have done something.」

Other people would have been overwhelmed by what they were seeing. It would have confused them. I knew that you would be the only one able to sense what was really going on, who could feel what I was trying to accomplish.

I know there are a lot of things I can't understand, but I still want my life to have meaning.

You know, I had a gift.I could see the world in a new way.I could see details that other people were blind to.

This is my door.It opens to another world.

