享受吧!一個人的旅行--Eat, Pray, Love


5.8 / 107,977人    133分鐘 | 140分鐘 (director's cut)

導演: 萊恩墨菲
編劇: 萊恩墨菲
演員: 茱莉亞羅勃茲 詹姆斯法蘭科 哈維爾巴登 比利庫達普 理察詹金斯


2010-12-03 22:18:53


At first, I can't see why such a ordinary story have to be told for more than 120 minutes.

Now, I start to write what I meant with the melody in the end of this movie.

A perfect movie has every part in perfectness.

It's sweet. Ben and 傑瑞's, Spaghetti and Die Zauberflote.

It's beautiful. Liz and her dresses. The warm sunshine may keep your eyes away, but keep your heart inside. And all the music.

It's courage. Traveling alone has nothing to do with money or time. All it needs is the resolution to feel the change and forgiving yourself. In my life, I have to involve myself in meditation and pray. God is always there. He doesn't care everything, but care everyone.

"Americans know entertainment, but don't know pleasure."

"And if you are prepared, most of all to face and forgive some very difficult realities about yourself then the truth will not be withheld from you."

I got to find my own way outside.

Anyway, it's not a movie or something else only for those broken hearts. It's for anybody understanding love.

Thank you, Elizabeth Gilbert.