"The Big Bang Theory"


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2010-12-06 03:40:31



那些討厭XXX的不和諧帖子總是經久不衰,其實戲劇就是戲劇,喜劇就是喜劇,所有的劇情特色都是編劇寫出來目的是讓人發笑的,也許有些點的確不能擊中咱們個別人的笑點,但它或許適用於他人,所以為什麼不open mind and laugh?


All of you people who trying to analyze this show---give it a rest! It's a comedy show...not something to be analyzed! Just enjoy it and laugh....It's not x rated or horrifying, it's just FUNNY!!!! Get a grip all you cry babies!
  this kind of episodes is what we want, lets put some -real- lough into our life. Some people out there can simply change the channel and stop whining. Thanks!
  about sheldon(hate him or not):(我覺得同樣適用於leonard、howard、raj、penny等角色~ 五個人的角色共同組成了TBBT,缺一不可,沒什麼討厭不討厭的)
   won't repeat what everyone else wrote here, I'll just add that almost all great characters in sitcoms are annoying to the point you'd hate their guts if they were your neighbors.
  Example: Can you imagine having a friend like Cosmo Kreimer? can you imagine Seinfeld without him?
  Do you really want Dr. 貝克 as your doctor? you'd never come back.
  How long it will take you before you punch the lights out of Barney Stinson ("How I met your mother")?
  Even Hawkeye Pierce was an abnoxious character.
  I guess that the weirder they are, the more annoying they are, the funnier they are.
  If he were a real person, I would most probably hate him and end up killing him. But in the show, he just somehow manages to work with his crazy behaviour. I
  If one of my friend in real life acts like Sheldon, then I might hate him.
  But he is the reason I love this show. And as show goes on you would love him, too
  I actually have an uncle who is more annoying than Sheldon. Sheldon who is played by Jim Parsons .Parsons does a great job with this part. I think he has the hardest lines to remember and while I'm not sure it would happen or i would even root for it.
  I can't believe anybody would consider Sheldon as a character ruining the show, like open poster obviously did or maybe even still does.
  The character is simply fantastic, and in my eyes the best in any show for quite a while. Not to mention how important his interactions with Penny is for the show.
   I know a guy like Sheldon in real life who can get on my nerves sometimes, but TBBT isn't real life and it isn't happening to me so it's funny to watch. Sheldon can help out (in his psycho way) some times too, so it makes sense why he's there. Getting rid of Sheldon is like getting rid of Debra or Robert on Everybody Loves Raymond. It makes no sense to get rid of someone that makes the story so interesting. I like Raj and Howard cause they can contribute good jokes and a good story(not to mention Howard's mother). Leonard isn't hysterical, but he throws in a good line once in awhile and holds the story together.
  Annoying ? indeed. Irritating ? absolutely. But hating him ? wow its pretty hard. How is someone so genius can be so clueless ? Funny man Sheldon
總而言之~It's just a comedy~