星星的孩子--Temple Grandin


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導演: 米克傑生
編劇: 克里斯多佛蒙高爾 馬利特強森
演員: 克萊兒丹妮絲 茱莉亞歐蒙 大衛史崔森 凱瑟琳奧哈拉


2010-12-14 03:30:16

You'll never walk alone

印象最深的就是Temple在畢業典禮上唱的那首變調的《you'll never walk alone》。這首歌由貓王原唱,之後變成利物浦隊的隊歌。

You'll never walk alone
When you walk through a storm,
hold your head up high,
and don't be afraid of the dark.
At the end of a storm,
is a golden sky,
and the silver song of a lark.
Walk on,through the wind,
walk on,through the rain,
though your dreams be tossed and blown,
Walk on,walk on,with hope in your heart.
and you'll never walk alone.
You'll never walk alone.
Walk on,walk on,with hope in your heart,
and you'll never walk alone.
You'll never walk alone.
You'll never walk alone.
You'll never walk alone.
