第三者--Wicker Park


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導演: 保羅麥格根
演員: 喬許哈納特 蘿絲拜恩 黛安克魯格


2010-12-20 06:03:02

兩年前一個凌晨,看完wicker park夜不能寐寫下的影評

It’s been so long since I got enchanted by a refined love story and Wicker Park is exactly one bringing me into the complex mood strong enough to stay up all night. Deeply impressed, I have to admit.

Wicker Park depicts a deeply loved couple kept apart by a deliberate plot weaved by a malicious woman who was obsessed with the protagonist, yet the couple made it by all means at the very last, through hurdles though. And Wicker Park was actually the usual spot for their dates before they were parted trickily.

This story impressed me with a strong notion that it takes pain and effort to find the right person and even if you』ve found one, you never know if you are to lose him/her the next day; the point is not to keep a constant eye on your sweetheart but how to keep faith in each other and ensure its getting along. And when the crisis shows up, how to fight hard and defend your love counts. The wicked may not really exist, yet spirit of striving for your truly loved one should never fade away.

When you find your special someone, you really have to remind yourself, how lucky you are to have him/her by your side. Never take anything for granted. It’s hardly hard for two people to fall in love at the first place, yet hardship never seems to stop since the moment a commitment is made, resolving to get into a serious relationship. By and by they might take the companionship no longer exciting and mysterious and the obsession just fell apart into obstruction.

Now I realized that relationship needs constant nurture and deserves being treasured and cherished. Love him, with an undivided attention and enjoy the merriness in full spirit.