2010-12-25 14:34:08
love is all around
whenever I get gloomy with the state of the world
I think about the arrivals gate at Heathrow Airport
General opinion started to make out that we live in a world of hatred and greed
but i dont see that
't seems to me that love is everywhere
often it's not particularly dignified or newsworthy
but its always there
fathers and sons
mothers and daughters
husbands and wives
boyfriends, girlfriends, old friends.
when the planes hit the twin towers
as far as i know none of the phone calls from the people on board were
messages of hatred or revenge
they were all messages of love
if you look for it, Iv got a sneaky feeling you'll find that
love is actully all around.
I thought it would be sth worse.
--worse that the total agony of being in love? r right. total agony.
Imagine your husband bought a necklace
and come to Xmas, give it to sb else
would u wait around to find out if its just a necklace
or its sex and necklace
or if, worst of all, its a necklace and love.
with any luch by next year
I will be going out with one of these girls
[pics of sexy girls]
but for now let me say
without hope or agenda
just because its christmas
and at christmas you tell the truth
to me, you r perfect.
and my wasted heart will love u
until you look like this
[pic of an old skiny lady]
Merry christmas.
[hes gone]
[she chased and kiss him]
he said, enough, enough now!
beautiful Aurelia
iv come here to ask u to marry me.
I know i seem an insane person cos i hardly know u
but sometimes things are so transparency
of course i dont expect u to be as foolish as me
and i predict u say no...
but its christmas and i just wanted to check....
---thank u, that will be nice. YES is being my answer. easy question!