黑天鵝--Black Swan


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導演: 戴倫亞洛諾夫斯基
演員: 娜塔莉波曼 蜜拉庫妮絲 薇諾娜瑞德 文森卡索 芭芭拉荷西


2010-12-26 18:02:17

It is not really my type as I did not catch what the movie wants to tell me. But


For Nina, in order to play the swan queen, she has to play both the white swan and black swan. However, she is a good daughter to her mom with a simple life between company and home only. Ballet and mom is all she has. She is always fragile and weak, carefully not to make any mistake. In fact, she is born the white swan.

Life is full of pressure. Because of the force of the black swan and the stress of replacement, she has a little split personality. Fantasying the darker side of herself to be Lily, she turned naughtier. She is nervous and sensitive about the role, making her illness getting worse. She played successfully in the Swan Lake. 「It is perfect」, as she said.

It is not really my type as I did not catch what the movie wants to tell me. But I should say it is a good move with a bit thrill.
