竊盜城--The Town


7.5 / 421,536人    125分鐘 | 150分鐘 (DVD extended cut)

導演: 班艾佛列克
編劇: 班艾佛列克
演員: 布蕾克萊芙莉 喬漢姆 班艾佛列克 傑瑞米雷納 彼得普斯特李威 蕾貝卡霍爾

Miss Shadow

2010-12-27 01:50:35

Who is my Eskimo?

At First, It's a shocking truth of Bank robbery。
At last, It's a beautiful story of Love Expression.

Bank notes, Guns, Drugs, Masks, Blood, Tears, Tic-Toc,Tic-Toc.
A sunny day, a hopeless woman, crowd of cops, a heart-breaking man.

Claire is his Eskimo.

"It would be like one of my sunny days."
Tangerine and Piano.
Sunset and him.