黑天鵝--Black Swan


8 / 838,351人    108分鐘

導演: 戴倫亞洛諾夫斯基
演員: 娜塔莉波曼 蜜拉庫妮絲 薇諾娜瑞德 文森卡索 芭芭拉荷西


2010-12-30 13:00:46

nice screenplay, lousy scriptwrite


ah these movies
How come theres always a broken soul and an ugly mind beneath every angel face?
How come the deeper you dig into a personality the darker you get to see?
Its just disgusting..

Open your eyes hollywood! People are not that greedy, they just want success. People are not that fragile, they are just afraid. People are not perfect, they are just human, but they can be nice.

And the Nina here is far from prefect, she is not even nice. She envies, she doubts, she hurts people. White swan? No, no. She could make a good step mother of lady cinderella. Top. Geez.

@NP, nice to see her grow up. But what happened to our Princess Padme? She used to make me smile and respect. Btw, there are more than one way to show you are sorry and sad. Dont put up the frowny eyebrow and teary eyes all the time. Its fing depressing. Use the eyes themselves to convey your emotion.

..now my favorite genre is officially commercials. What else make people happy, eager, restless, and want to live?

I do not want my children, esp daughters, to see this kind of movies too soon. Theyd drag them out of hope! While, you know, hope is a good thing that never dies.
