黑天鵝--Black Swan


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導演: 戴倫亞洛諾夫斯基
演員: 娜塔莉波曼 蜜拉庫妮絲 薇諾娜瑞德 文森卡索 芭芭拉荷西


2011-01-02 23:20:14

Black Swan Evil Seduction

Black Swan, Black pulse, pulling everyone into the hell while no one can distract the attention from the girl standing on the stage.
It's a black story but hit the heart of each audience straightly. Black feather turned into the black dream, something wants to break through the solid soil constructed from the "sweety" and jealousy. For 28 years, she is fragile like a glass doll, white and pink is the only color in her world. It's the color for girl but not woman, it's the color for babies who haven't been polluted by the reality and life. But it never is the color for a woman lived in the world of art. Enthusiam needs something deviated from the route that normal people went. The cost of longrun repression is ruin, in a form of deadly beauty. I dont know whether it is drama accomplished her or it is her fulfill the old fantacy. Maybe in the origin, the princess is the witch, maybe from the origin, the one the prince loves in the witch. Doll can be favored but love is for sth with magic and deadly beauty in the begining. Love itself is sth crazy with deadly attraction.
I am always believing, in everyone's heart, there is two sides just like to coin, one good and evil. For most of us, the evil side is bond inside the heart, sleeping until the kiss from life to call it up. We live in a world peaceful but still there are some people pursuing for the sense of excitment and take the risks by taking some extreme-sports. It's because, deep deep down in our heart, we want to break the peaceful appearance, we want to sense the high moment no matter what kind of the form or name it takes, sex, drug, dance, drawing, art. They are all something that drives people crazy, they are all something requiring enthusiasm, jump out of the box, regardless of the morales, rules we obeyed, it's a moment for revelry.