黑天鵝--Black Swan


8 / 838,351人    108分鐘

導演: 戴倫亞洛諾夫斯基
演員: 娜塔莉波曼 蜜拉庫妮絲 薇諾娜瑞德 文森卡索 芭芭拉荷西


2011-01-13 23:27:15

let art be art,life be live,perfect be last

cant forgot that little girl in LEON,who fall in love,who complete a man's life.17years past,that portman not a sweety girl anymore,but bald,but crack,but still find her perfection.
there are always a group of person,who born with abundant talent,who have exquisite senses,who never felt perfect,who the most nearly beauty and permanent. those person have got the same personality:fragile.so when one started to search the essence of art,its terminus meant to be tragedy.believe it or not,but you go with a sad heart,you find the art truthfully.
people born in different characters,some great,some dwaft,some brave,some coward.you were born to get one status,and that will be yours if you find your need and go get it.someone who had not some qualities,those they eager to possess,so they tore themselves to meet a devil in their body,no fear of bleeding,no fear of death,just want perfect.
so perfection cant be last,it makes envy,makes death,makes high,makes nothing,perfection is not about control,it's about letting go,you surprised yourself,and you surprised the audience,transcendence.i love this sentence,love it to death.
as usual,as always,i can never write a review,i just wrote down the feelings that flying in my brain,the audours flashing in my heart,and all gone,and i remember the movie,and i said,you worth it

but what i must say about the movie is there are really a lot of big cards,natalie portman we all know,and ex of johnny depp,husband of monica belluci,what a family face movie.